Saturday, December 30, 2006


Our first Christmas with Maya was just great. Of course everyone spoiled her. She got good stuffs though. She got lots of neat books, and some really great developmental toys, that she just LOVES.

I have lots of pictures, but I cannot get them off of my camera. Argh. I have to get a card reader and then I will post some. She got totally overwhelmed on Christmas Eve. Trying to get her to go to sleep that night was NOT fun.

Today was a big day for her as well. She has been trying different foods, and so far she likes them all. We have tried Oatmeal cereal, sweet peas, bananas, and sweet potatoes. She chowed on the sweet taters just a bit ago. What a mess. I had to give her a bath after that! She loooved them.

Afterwards, I had her on the floor for some tummy time (which she still hates!), she is doing a wee bit better with that. She went flat after about 8 minutes or so, and she started to fuss. I rolled her over onto her back as I was putting some of her toys away. She rolled right to her side, and rolled over onto her tummy! I was like..WHOAH!! hahaaa!!

I rolled her back over, and woop, there she went, right back on her tummy. Which then made her mad because *newsflash* she does not like to be on her tummy!


So, yeah, exciting day for us over here. I cannot wait to see what she does next. She is SO much fun!

How cool - man she's growing up so fast! I need to get you up here soon. I still have a whole big bag of food for ya', and soon a big pile of toys for you to call dibs on. :-)
Congrats on the rolling. Soon she'll be everywhere. I bought Sophie cereal the other day even though I didn't want to feed her until she was 6 months. She's driving me batty though so I'm ready to cave.
She is getting big so fast.. I cant wait to see her again...
I honestly didn't think Lila would ever crawl b/c she hated tummy time sooooo much.
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