Monday, December 12, 2005

MotherHen indeed

I woke up the morning of December 7th, fully expecting to wake up with my period. I had felt period like all day on Sunday. But no, nothing. I was now four days late. I am NEVER late. So I took a pregnancy test, and it came out positive.

I was absolutely floored.

I have been going back and forth about whether to tell anyone or not. I am 5 weeks as of today. I realize this is still way early on. I refuse to think that if I tell people, or if I blog it, I will jinx myself.

That is how I felt at first. I just have way too much going on mentally to NOT blog about it. I was going to just blog and then save as a draft, and not publish it til later. But why? Why not just blog it? I am not harboring any negativity with this. I am pregnant, and I am going to try and make the most of it all, the good, the bad and the ugly. I have NOT posted about this on my other blog just yet. I am not sure if anyone from my blog actually checks here or not. If you are a regular Tikigirl reader...HI... LOL

I want to keep my pregnancy seperate. This will now be my pregnancy journal instead of my infertility journal. I did not want to post anything about this on tikigirl, because a friend reads the site, and she just lost her baby girl. I just could not in good conscience post over there. If she finds this here...then..well..not much I can do. I think she would be happy for me...but in the face of such an awful time in her life, I just couldn't...

So, yeah. I am pregnant. My Doc had told me that my diagnosis of PCOS was not severe, and that once I had lost some weight (with the help of some meds I was about to go on ) things would fall into place. I never got that far!

I do wish I had lost some weight first, as I am way overweight. I know it is not a good thing, but fat people have babies all the time, so I am not going to worry about it. It is what it is.

This place will be active for me. I have lots on my mind. But for now...sleep!!

I'm so excited to be the first to congratulate you here! I could never wait to announce my pregnancies, despite them being somewhat precious (male factor infertility in our case, so ICSI/IVF) - so I completely understand you defying the jinx this way.
I also understand a little of what you have said about the good news in such a bad year. My 2nd and 3rd babies (twins, obviously) were not yet one year old when my mother died and I still miss her in some way every day. I see a lot of my mother in my youngest daughter.
Michele sent me tonight and I am so very glad.
Take care, I'll be back to check on you!
First of all, congratulations. I actually went to your Tiki Girl site, but it wouldn't let me register or comment, so here I am.

I could never wait to tell anyone - I was a big blabbermouth. We didn't have blogs back then. (Now I sound old.)

I also had to come and say hi because we apparently like almost the same TV shows. (I don't often find adults that admit to watching Gilmore Girls.) I too can't wait for the next season of 24 as well!

Well, anyway, Michele didn't send me, but that's where I found you. Have a great day!
OK, I'm embarrassed, because I realized that you weren't the Gilmore Girls person. Sorry! But congrats anyway!
Congratulations, you are going to make a wonderful mother.

Seeeeeeeee. I told you. I had cramps and felt like I was going to get my period both times I was really pregnant.

I am so incredibly happy for both of you! I know how badly you've wanted this!! Like Bird said, you're going to rock at Motherhood.

What did I tell you about the indigestion last week, HUH?!!

You know I couldn't be happier for you! I swear, Dr. T can just look at you and you get pregnant. ;-)


Congrats, and it's about damn time!! lol
Thanks so much guys!!
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